Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Wildfire Updates 2pm 6/22

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Su River fire burning on the south end of Trapper Lake has grown to approximately 6000 acres. As previously reported, 1 structure was burned on Wednesday evening. Incident commander Tom Dean reports that the head of the fire moved within 1/8 mile of eight dwellings yesterday, but those structures were saved with helicopter bucket drops and fire retardant flown out of the Palmer tanker base. Approximately 30 structures are still threatened. The Yukon crew is conducting structure protection on the south end of the lake and additional resources have been ordered.

Smoke is heavy at times from Willow north to Talkeetna and, depending on winds and weather, these conditions will persist. Residents should depend only on official sources of information about the status and location ns of any fire.

The Yentna fire at the confluence of Lake creek and the Yentna river is holding at 60 acres. No structures have been lost, although a number in the area are still threatened. Burn restrictions remain in place.

Other than small campfires, any open burning in the Kenai and Mat Su boroughs is illegal until further notice. This includes all permitted burning, burn barrels, and incinerators. Fire prevention personnel are patrolling and enforcing the burn restrictions. Use extreme caution with even small cooking or warming fires until the weather conditions moderate. Never light a fire in windy conditions, keep water handy, and make sure the coals are dead out before leaving. People using these small fires are legally responsible for monitoring and extinguishing them.
