Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Weekend Fire Safety Advisory

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Thursday, June 28, 2007

As we head into the weekend, please remember that restrictions on open burning remain in place throughout South Central Alaska. Even though there have been widely scattered areas of rainfall, some of it heavy at times, general fire conditions remain dangerous. Other than small campfires, any open burning in the Kenai and Matanuska-Susitna boroughs is illegal until further notice. This includes the suspension of all burn permits for open burning, burn barrels, and incinerators. Fire prevention personnel are patrolling and enforcing these burn restrictions.

Use extreme caution with even small cooking or warming fires until weather conditions moderate. Never light a fire in windy conditions, keep water handy, and make sure that all coals are dead out before leaving your campsite. People using these small fires are legally responsible for monitoring and extinguishing them.

Have a safe weekend. Updates will be posted here as they become available.
