Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Wasilla Chamber Presentation on Propositions

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Matanuska-Susitna Borough Mayor Vern Halter and Borough Manager John Moosey gave an overview to the Greater Wasilla Chamber of Commerce this afternoon of the three ballot propositions in the Borough's Oct. 2 election.

• A proposition on road bond projects for $23.8 million is on the ballot. This is the Borough's share of the cost and half of the cost for the 10 projects.

• A citizen initiative to change the date of the Borough election to the day of the State election will be considered by voters.

• A proposition for an advisory vote only on police powers for the Borough is also on the ballot. 

The presentation slides show aerial images or maps of the 10 road bond projects, including an overall map of the projects. The projects will improve safety and reduce traffic congestion. If the full package were adopted, property taxes would increase by $19.50 per every $100,000 in property value. The Borough must obtain 50 percent matching funds from another source before any general obligation debt may be issued for any project.

Items posted on this article include the presentation slides, a map of the road bond projects, and a paper on pros and cons of the citizen initiative on the ballot on changing the Borough election date to the same as the State's election date.

For more information contact Public Affairs Director Patty Sullivan at (907) 355-0103.
