Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Video: How to disinfect well and take sample

Mat-Su | Stefan Hinman | Friday, September 28, 2012

Tee Little,  Environmental Conservation of Wasilla and Lorrie Moffitt, Safety Officer of the MAT-SU Borough, show how and when to disinfect a well correctly followed by the method of collecting a good water sample. If you feel your well has been compromised during a flood, this video is for you.

These presentations were made to the residents of Talkeetna at Talkeetna Elementary on September 25th, 2012. It was part of a team effort to get key information directly to the residents that will help them recover from this recent state recognized disaster. At this time, presentations have been done in both Talkeetna and the Butte with one scheduled in Willow for October 1. Announcements will be made for presentations in other locations as they are scheduled.

For more information contact: Lorrie Moffitt at 907-861-7491 or Patty Sullivan at 907-745-9577 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
