Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Update 6:00 pm 8/21/06 Assessment Has Begun

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Sunday, August 27, 2006


Roads & Flooding:
There is only 1 closure left on the Parks Highway, at Troublesome Creek, MP 137 the DOT has estimated that it will open at 8:00p.m. on Tuesday.

There is still significant Flooding in Houston, the worst debris is on No Name Dr. but it is also bad at King Arthur Rd.

Assessment & Recovery:

The Assessment & Recovery Phase of this event has begun. Fire & Rescue teams are being demobilized and local Fire Districts are returning to normal (on-call) staffing levels.

Borough Help centers are now open at the Willow Community Center and the Sunshine Fire Hall. Thirty Willow residents have already visited the Willow Help Center, and the Sunshine Help Center has also had three public inquiries.

Help Center Hours are 10:00 am to 9:00 pm. Sunshine Fire Station is being staffed by Borough Personnel, and the Willow Community Center is staffed by Borough and Red Cross Personnel. Help packets are available at Help Centers, online, Houston City Hall, Wasilla City Hall, and the Cottonwood Public Safety Building in Wasilla.

Recovery Priorities are:

  1. Structural integrity of bridges, culverts & roads
  2. Provide expedient means to open roads used by School District and higher use roads
  3. Repair roads & bridges depending upon established priority
  4. Provide a means for communities to remove flood debris
  5. Assist private home owners to help correct life, health, and safety issues
  6. Remove debris
  7. Repair of Borough & School District facilities
