Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Transportation Fair connects with public

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Thursday, October 08, 2009

MAT-SU— Last night 218 presenters and members of the public attended a transportation fair at Raven Hall on the Alaska State Fairgrounds.

More than 20 projects were displayed on projects ranging from the Hatcher Ski project to the extension of Mack Road. Information boards, project managers, handouts, and in some cases video productions all helped to give specifics on projects. Many state, borough, and city staff were present along with consultants and several agencies.

“It was great to see such a high public turnout,” said Brad Sworts, Borough Transportation & Environmental Division Manager. “For most people it allows them to catch up on a whole year's worth of project information in one evening. The Transportation Fair also gives project managers and consultants a chance to catch up on the status of each other’s projects and see where they need to work together to reduce duplication and reduce costs.”
Some of the projects require support from state legislators.
For the Borough, the Road Bond Package is first. Voters agreed to tax themselves for roads. The project is not complete without a state match. Comments from the public last night expressed support for local Legislators adding their support to the road bond package.

Other projects such as the Bogard Road Extension and the Port Mackenzie Rail Extension also require state support for advancement.

Evaluations from attendees came back ranking the fair a "5" on a scale from 1 (Poor) to 6 (Excellent). Many checked that they appreciated having information on multiple projects at one location. Many liked their questions answered.

More than 30 children attended with parents and were kept busy working on art projects by the Alaska Live Steamers in a special kids corner.boypaintingtransfair

Among the suggestions for improving the fair:
• consider inviting agencies, such as Fish and Wildlife Service, Corps of Engineers
• promote community involvement such as serving on Borough Boards and Commissions
• invite Road Service Area members to promote volunteerism
• get Valley Recycling to bring their collection bins
• consider more promotion or door prizes

The event organizer was Anne Brooks of Brooks & Associates.

This was the second MAT-SU Transportation Fair.

For more information call Borough Transportation Manager Brad Sworts 746-7430.



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