Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Third Annual Report highlights the MAT-SU

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Tuesday, June 30, 2009

MAT-SU –– The Matanuska-Susitna Borough's third annual report will be available at 41 racks soon in businesses in the Borough. It will also be posted online on the Borough website.

The 16-page report helps new residents connect with their Assembly Member by seeing a map of district boundaries as well as contact information for Assembly Members and the new Mayor Talis Colberg.

AnnualReport_2009coverAmong other features: the report uses photos, text, and charts to show how tax dollars are put to work.

It gives an update on large projects underway: the $240 million Goose Creek Correctional Center, the Port MacKenzie Rail Extension, the Susitna Ferry, the Hatcher Pass Regional Ski Area.

It profiles the first LEED-certified schools in the state — Machetanz Elementary & Susitna Valley High—being built here in the Borough. LEED is Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design. The report highlights artifacts that were salvaged from a gravel operation at the old Knik townsite, including a glass bead and beluga harpoon found in a Dena'ina chief's house, which likely dates to the 1830s.

In a new part, the report broadens its focus on expenditures and revenues for local government, as well as clarifies some common, but often misunderstood budget definitions and funds.

The report is distributed in major grocery stores and Blockbuster Video stores, real estate offices, title companies, chambers of commerce and elsewhere.

For more information call Public Affairs Director Patty Sullivan, 907.745.9577 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


