Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Tew, Leonard Lead at Polls

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Clayton Tew leads incumbent James "Dan" Mayfield at the polls tonight in the race for Matanuska-Susitna Borough Assembly District 5, the Big Lake and Knik-Goose Bay Road area. Ted Leonard leads Patricia Hogan tonight in Assembly District 4, for Wasilla, the seat of outgoing Assembly Member Steve Colligan. The results tonight are unofficial.

The election will be certified on Oct. 17, at 5 p.m. in the Borough Assembly chambers at 350 E. Dahlia Ave., in Palmer.  

Tew has 608 votes to Mayfield's 588 votes at the polls in the Big Lake area district. Some 219 absentee, and questioned votes, and a special need vote remain to be counted in that race. 

Ted Leonard has 481 votes to Patricia Hogan's 281 votes at the polls tonight in the Wasilla Assembly seat race. Some 156 questioned and absentee votes and 1 special needs ballot remain to be canvassed and counted. 

Incumbent School Board Member Kelsey Trimmer has 322 votes to challenger Emery Schramm's 218 votes for School Board District 6. School Board Member Ole Larson ran unopposed, garnering 356 vote at the polls. 

The proposition for a 3 percent sales tax for the Talkeetna Sewer and Water Service Area has 42 yes votes tonight and 30 no votes. Some 26 absentee, questioned, and special need votes remain to be counted. 

Some 3,049 people cast a vote at the polls. Some 9.19 percent of voters turned out for the election. No Borough-wide proposition was on the ballot and not all of the precincts had ballots up for a vote. 

Mat-Su Borough Clerk Lonnie McKechnie says the Canvass Board will begin tomorrow. The Board will confirm the results from tonight and begin canvassing or verifying that each outstanding vote was cast by a registered voter who was qualified to vote on that ballot. 

For more information contact the clerks office at 861-8681.




Unofficial election results for Oct. 3, 2017