Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Tetanus Reminder

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Thursday, August 24, 2006

INCIDENT RECOVERY CENTER- As we move in to recovery from the recent floods, people working in the flooded areas are exposed to the danger of contracting tetanus disease from being cut by any object that creates a wound, even as small as a pinprick. It is strongly recommended that anyone working to remove debris from the flood areas ensure their tetanus shots are up to date. Tetanus is an easily preventable disease with proper vaccination. If cut while removing debris, individuals should seek immediate medical attention, and follow their doctor's advice.

The MAT-SU Public Health Center in Wasilla offers tetanus shots at a sliding scale fee, based on income. They also offer back-to-school shots and well child exams at the sliding scale fee. The health center can be reached at 352-6600.

Updated Flood Debris Removal: In addition to the Borough landfill site and transfer stations, dumpsters for flood debris are in place at the Beaver Road gravel pit in Talkeetna, the Houston Fire Station on the Parks Highway, and at the end of King Arthur and No Name Hill Drive. There are coupons available at the Help Centers for up to $50 for disposal of flood debris at the Borough transfer stations and the landfill.
