Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Talkeetna water update

Mat-Su | VickieLee Fenster | Saturday, September 22, 2012

Initial water quality tests performed by the Talkeetna Sewer and Water engineer Mike Kilgo indicate that the community water supply in the Talkeetna townsite is not contaminated, however they are seeking third party confirmation from an outside lab before they give residents the go-ahead to drink tap water. Kilgo is flushing out the tanks and residents may detect an elevated quantity of chlorine in the water. Residents with their own private wells are strongly advised NOT to drink their water until it is lab tested. Kilgo says the town’s sewage cells are also intact and were not damaged by flood waters, although overflow sewage has contaminated surface water. Any residents with flood water damage in their homes are advised to take extra precautions to thoroughly clean and disinfect, including wearing gloves, rubber boots, and perhaps a particle mask. The MAT-SU Borough transfer site is currently accepting all storm-damaged items at no charge, and additional dumpsters have been requested and will be placed near the Talkeetna State Airport by Saturday afternoon. -Talkeetna Sewer and Water Update, 10:45 am
