Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Talkeetna Water Treatment exceeds limit

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Our water system in Talkeetna recently violated drinking water standards. Our permit requires no more than 10 ug/L or 10 micrograms of arsenic per liter. In December, our system tested at 14.8 ug/L and in January it tested at 13 ug/L. A pump failed to add a chemical in the water to remove the naturally-occurring arsenic.

That pump was rebuilt and recalibrated on Jan. 21. This incident was not an emergency in the short term. The Borough is posting notices in Talkeetna and mailing the notice in the February bill.

The latest water testing shows three micrograms per liter or 3 ug/L. More definitive tests were taken on Jan. 25, and results will be returned Feb. 1. Arsenic is a naturally-occurring element widely distributed in the earth's crust. When groundwater flows through these arsenic deposits, the arsenic is released into the water.

The treatment plant was installed in 2012 to reduce the amount of naturally-occurring arsenic in the water.

Before 2006, the US Environmental Protection Agency had defined 50 parts per billion as allowable in safe drinking water. With the new regulations then, that amount was reduced to 10 parts per billion as a maximum contaminant level, or a few drops in an Olympic-sized swimming pool.

Attached is the notice that is going out to the Talkeetna Water System customers.

For more information call Terry Dolan, Borough Public Works Director, at 861-7753.

