Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Cement Super Sacks offload at Port MacKenzie

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Thursday, June 04, 2009

verticalshipPORT MACKENZIE—The 16,000-tons of cement being offloaded at Port MacKenzie means revenue for the nearly six-year-old port.

"It's a new commodity," said Port Director Marc VanDongen. "We started out exporting woodchips, then last summer we exported 451,000 tons of sand and gravel, now we're importing cement. Some 16,000 tons of cement on this ship, then 20,000-25,000 tons on a ship later on this year. It's another expansion here at Port MacKenzie."

The Clipper Tivoli arrived from China to the MAT-SU dock on April 13. Workers unloaded the vessel round the clock and were expected to empty the ship within seven days. Each super sack of cement weighs 3,300 pounds. Cranes on the ship hoisted twelve sacks onto each flatbed. The loads left the dock about every seven minutes and made their way to a warehouse up the hill.flatbedfull

The Clipper Tivoli will pay $35,000 in wharfage and dockage fees, VanDongen said. Another ship is expected in the fall.

VanDongen said this fiscal year the Port turned a profit, about $250,000. "So in five years we were able to get into the black. Once we get our rail line in I expect significant net profits, $5-$10 million a year range, here at Port MacKenzie."

For more information contact Port Director Marc VanDongen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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