Matanuska-Susitna Borough

State Individual Disaster Assistance

Mat-Su | Erin Leaders | Thursday, January 17, 2019

If you had home damage, lost essential property, transportation or medical expenses due the November 2018 Earthquake, you can apply for state assistance at or by calling 1-855-445-7131. This program is for individuals and families within the Municipality of Anchorage, Mat-Su Borough or the Kenai Peninsula Borough, who had damages to their home, essential personal property or transportation losses from the 2018 Cook Inlet Earthquake.

No matter what damage you have to your home from the earthquake, whether it is minor or major you can apply for the State Individual Disaster Assistance Program.

Remember the deadline to apply for this program is January 29, 2019

Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management shared the following update:

“If you have applied for the State Individual Disaster Assistance Program from the November 2018 Earthquake, please be patient as we are working with those applicants whose homes have been made unlivable.

Please Do Not resubmit a new online application if you have already applied. You can call 1-855-445-7131 if you have questions on your whether or not we received your online application.”

The Infographic below can help those applying for State Individual Assistance better understand the process. Additional assistance programs are, or may become, available for those with needs. Alaskans with earthquake damages are encouraged to apply for all assistance programs.


