Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Snow melting, prepare for possible flooding

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Thursday, March 29, 2012

snowfallheavy2MAT-SU— Warming temperatures and deep snow accumulation make flooding very likely for some property owners in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough. The Department of Emergency Services urges residents to consider whether their property is in a low-lying area and to take precautions.

“It’s a lot easier to be prepared than to react during an emergency,” said MAT-SU Emergency Manager Casey Cook.

Last spring, residents off Fairview Loop needed help and as well as homeowners in the Butte area.

Flood safety tips and information are on the state web page For information on how to obtain a flood insurance policy, visit

Flood insurance must be active for 30 days in order to cover your property.

Hear Cook's 60 second radio commercial on flood preparedness here.

Cook is supervising the staging of resources and equipment if an emergency response is needed. “Our local emergency services personnel are familiar with and experienced in flooding and the necessary assistance to our citizens. We encourage property owners to prepare in advance as well,” Cook said.

Borough Emergency Management is monitoring all rivers and water bodies. The department held an exercise on March 24 at Susitna Valley Jr.-Sr. High and Upper Susitna Senior Center to drill on sheltering and evacuation with the Red Cross and other vital groups, including Matanuska Amateur Radio Association.

As part of assessing its response capability, Emergency Management has identified shelters available during a flooding event and the availability of emergency generators at schools, borough buildings, senior centers and other infrastructure. Communication methods including ALMR radios, Alaska Land Mobile VHR radio, have been confirmed.

For more information Emergency Manager Casey Cook at 373-8812 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



radio commercial on flood preparedness

