Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Skinny horses removed

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Thursday, June 28, 2007

PALMER—Animal Care for the Matanuska-Susitna Borough removed two horses from their owner yesterday, (May 1), at mile 13 of Knik-Goose Bay Road. One horse is skinny, the other emaciated.

Owner Billie Wier was issued a citation for two counts of cruelty to animals.

The pets, a palomino pony and a bay horse, are under the care of the MAT-SU Vet, Dr. Lisa Espey, and will be held pending the outcome of the case.

Wier has been warned in the past. In Sept. 2005 she was visited after a complaint of loose horses. In Oct. 2006, Wier was given a warning for cruelty to animals. In Nov. 2006 an officer examined the horses again and advised Wier to move the horses to shelter.

On Saturday, an Animal Care officer visited the two horses after getting a complaint of thin horses. An officer observed two horses tethered on land that appeared to be a powerline easement with no food, water or shelter. The property owner spoke to the officer briefly and then told the officer to leave.

With a search warrant, Animal Care returned on Tuesday with an Alaska State Trooper. The horses had been moved. The Trooper, however, persuaded the property owners to identify the location n of the horses. The horses were tethered across the street on a vacant lot with no water, or shelter.

Photos are on the Borough Web site with this press release at

For more information, call Animal Care Officer Matthew Hardwig at 746-5789.
