Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Sept. 26, 2012 Emergency Operations Center

EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (EOC) | | Wednesday, September 26, 2012

As it appears that the crisis response stage of this flood incident has diminished, the EOC will be reducing staff significantly as of now.

The EOC will continue to be operational due to the saturated soil and chance of showers over the next two days, but we will have only limited personnel staffing it. We will monitor the weather and situation and will bring up staffing levels as needed. Thanks to everyone for all the hard work over the past two weeks, now you can get back to your real jobs.

We will be recording options on the MSB Incident Hotline (761-3700) with an option to speak to someone during regular business hours and leave a recording for us after hours. We will also be putting out more information to the public regarding contact numbers and web sites for disaster assistance. 

The Matanuska-Susitna Borough Facebook page will not be updated as often due to the lessening of emergent responses expected and the diminished staffing of the EOC. Thank you all for your input during this event, we’ve learned a lot.
