Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Secure Home Heating Fuel Tanks During Flood

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is issuing the following advisory for MAT-SU area property owners near flooding streams and rivers.

Secure small fuel containers, fuel tanks and barrels used to store fuel so they do not float or blow away. Above ground tanks, including propane tanks may shift or fall causing fuel lines to kink, weaken or break, and fittings to loosen or become damaged. If you have a buried fuel tank, block vent and fill pipes to prevent water from seeping into the tank and contaminating the fuel.

If you have any questions on the integrity of your tank, fuel lines, tank stand, the fuel itself, or need help moving or returning the tank to service, please contact our fuel supplier.

If the flooding has caused a fuel, oil, or other hazardous substance spill, report the release to DEC at 907-269-3063, or outside normal business hours, call 1-800-478-9300.
