Matanuska-Susitna Borough

SBA Disaster Assistance Info

Mat-Su | Erin Leaders | Tuesday, February 05, 2019

SBA Disaster Assistance Available to Alaska

Private Nonprofit Organizations

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Low-interest federal disaster loans are now available to certain private nonprofit organizations in Alaska following President Trump’s federal disaster declaration for Public Assistance as a result of the earthquake that occurred Nov. 30, 2018, announced Administrator Linda McMahon of the U.S. Small Business Administration. Private nonprofits that provide essential services of a governmental nature are eligible for assistance.

These low-interest federal disaster loans are available in the Kenai Peninsula Borough, Matanuska‑Susitna Borough and the Municipality of Anchorage.

“Private nonprofit organizations should contact the Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management by calling Alaska State Public Assistance Officer Nora Firmin at (907) 428‑7076 (or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Emergency Management Specialist Amber Price at (907) 428-7091 (or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), or Public Assistance Branch Chief Al Cavallo at (907) 428‑7051 (or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to obtain information about applicant briefings,” said Director Tanya N. Garfield of SBA’s Disaster Field Operations Center-West. “At the briefings, private nonprofit representatives will need to provide information about their organization,” continued Garfield. The Federal Emergency Management Agency will use that information to determine if the private nonprofit provides an “essential governmental service” and is a “critical facility” as defined by law. If so, FEMA may provide the private nonprofit with a Public Assistance grant for their eligible costs. If not, FEMA may refer the private nonprofit to SBA for disaster loan assistance.

See attached for full News Release...



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