Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Rail, Roads, Visitor Center in Budget

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Monday, April 28, 2014


MAT-SU—Funding for rail, roads, highways, schools, a fire station, a visitor center, and salmon are among the State appropriations for the Matanuska-Susitna Borough in the final capital budget, adopted today (Friday).

MAT-SU— Funding for rail, roads, highways, schools, a fire station, a visitor center, and salmon are among the State appropriations for the Matanuska-Susitna Borough in the final capital budget, adopted today (Friday).

“We’re pleased with the work of our delegation for funding some of our largest infrastructure projects at a time when State revenues are declining,” said Matanuska-Susitna Borough Manager John Moosey.  “The $13 million for Port MacKenzie Rail will start another segment of our 32-mile rail spur. The $7 million for Bogard Road will continue construction on an important east-west corridor through our fast-growing Valley. The $2.5 million in salmon restoration funding for Fish & Game will continue the successful effort of our Fish & Wildlife Commission to return more salmon to the Mat-Su,” Moosey said.

Assembly Member Darcie Salmon is pleased that legislation passed for the Knik Arm Bridge. Salmon represents areas that include Knik-Fairview the fifth largest community in Alaska, located along Knik Arm.

“It is good to see the Legislature taking positive action on the Knik Arm Bridge,” Salmon said. “The action made by both the Senate and the House shows they collectively recognize the statewide significance of this project,” Salmon said.

Here’s other projects that have funding identified for them in the Mat-Su Borough, in local cities, and other entities in the Borough.  

This is not a complete list. See the adopted capital budget document for yourself at State Capital Budget



MSB  7,000,000   Bogard Road Extension

MSB       30,000   Community Council upgrades and support

MSB  1,235,000   Gateway Visitor Center

MSB     900,000   Redington Jr/Sr High School Utilities extension

MSB     630,000   Oilwell Road Upgrade

MSB13,000,000   Rail extension Port Mac

MSB  1,600,000   50% Match Transportation School access Bonds

MSB  1,370,000   Substandard Roads and Bridges

MSB     250,000   Upgrade .85 Miles Michelle Drive Gina Circle, Getts Way

MSB     100,000   Wastewater and Septage Facility Land Acquisition and Design

MSB  2,337,000   West Lakes Fire Service Area Station 7-3

Greater Butte RSA  Road Repairs   40,000

Talkeetna-Repair Gravel Roads    RSA 29   30,000

Greater Palmer Fire Service Area  40,000

Lazy Mountain Road Service Area  40,000

Wasilla Lakes Fire Service Area, Safety Equipment   40,000

Sutton Fire Department reappropriation for building maint./repair 48,777

MSB Warm storage fire station at Four Mile Road 388,000 

MSB School District     American Charter Academy   32,000

MSB School District     Creating Community Responsive Schools   250,000

MSB School District     Library and Media Upgrades  HD 6     21,150

MSB School District     Library and Technology Upgrades HD10    45,000

MSB School District     National Math and Science Initiative      500,000



City of Palmer   Airport Repairs  400,000

Palmer Courthouse Maintenance   839,000

City of Palmer   Palmer Wasilla Highway Corridor Plan  5,000

City of Palmer   Public Safety Building Repair   435,000

City of Palmer   Public Works Building Upgrade  150,000

City of Palmer   Railroad Depot Safety Upgrades   200,000

City of Palmer   Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab Replacement  145,000



City of Wasilla   Lake Lucille Park Upgrade  100,000

City of Wasilla   Mat-Su Youth Court Funding   25,000

City of Wasilla   New Public Library   1,700,000

City of Wasilla   Police Station Upgrades  150,000

Wasilla Fishhook/Main Street  5,700,000

Wasilla/ Lucas Road   11,000,000

City of Wasilla  SART  100,000



Houston Fire Station 2,025,200



Wasilla Area Seniors Inc. Facility Upgrades     100,000

Upper Susitna Seniors Inc.  Emergency and Wellness Center Addition    300,000

Wasilla Soil and Water Conservation  98,000

Mat-Su Food Bank     25,000



Knik River Public Use Area Target Shooting Facility     500,000

Dept. of Fish and Game Salmon Research, Restoration and Enhancement Initiative  2,500,000



Susitna/Watana Hydro   20,000,000

KABATA   55,000,000



Heat Pump for Community Center    100,000

Warm Storage Fire Station Nancy Lakes    600,000



Glenn Highway MP 49   3,550,000    

MP 66 to 92   1,000,000

Hatcher Pass Road   2,000,000

Parks Highway Projects  MP 43.5 to 52.3, Lucas Road to Big Lake Cutoff 50,000,000 

Parks Highway Project MP 90 to 146, 50,000,000

Petersville Road  8,000,000

For more information call Public Affairs Director Patty Sullivan at 861-8577 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


