Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Proposed 2017 Budget Here

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Friday, April 22, 2016

The proposed Borough areawide tax rate is the same as last year, 9.984 mills, despite steady growth, new infrastructure to maintain, and some losses in revenue. No new positions were created. Manager John Moosey reduced the capital budget by more than $4 million. 101,095 residents live in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, the second largest community in Alaska.

Here is a link to the Proposed 2017 Borough Budget. You can find this on the budget page under Government.

Listen to a short overview on budget meetings from Manager John Moosey on the audio clip posted here.

Watch the video, Budget 101, with Attorney Nick Spiropoulos and Mayor Vern Halter to understand different parts of a borough budget. The video is broken into chapters to focus you on the subject you want. 


This video is designed to give citizens a starting point on a very complex subject. The hour-long presentation is broken up into short 1-3 minute segments that you can scroll or skip through via text subject markers.


The proposed comprehensive budget for fiscal year 2017 totals $400,035,704. Included in this total is $249.3 million for school operations, (The local contribution to education included in this budget is $54,260,886), $39 million for debt service, $54.7 million for borough operations, $11.5 million for fire service area operations, $12.3 million for road service area operations, $10.6 million for the Solid Waste, Port and M/V Susitna enterprise operations, $20.8 million for capital projects, and $1.8 million for other service areas and E-911 operations.

Some reduction in potential revenues include:

• The preliminary number for property tax exemptions for senior citizens and disabled veterans & families is $11.8 million.

• Vehicle tax revenues are $1.2 million less.

The borough exercises the following areawide powers: property assessment and collection of taxes, planning and zoning, parks and recreation, emergency medical service and historic preservation. In addition to general borough activities, the Assembly approves the total annual school budget, levies the necessary taxes and approves the borrowing of money and the issuance of bonds for both the borough and school construction projects.

The borough exercises the following nonareawide powers: solid waste, libraries, septage disposal, animal control and economic development. The borough is responsible for 29 active service areas (flood, water, fire, and roads).

Our current published rating for Standard & Poor’s was affirmed at AA+ this past February. Additionally, FitchRatings affirmed our rating of AA. An example of why it is important to maintain sound financial policies and practices is our numerous bond sales in March 2012 and thereafter. Had our bond rating not been increased in 2011, we could have paid almost $8 million to $9 million more in interest over the life of those new bonds, Finance Director Tammy Clayton wrote in the budget letter.

Some upcoming budget dates:

Apr. 28, 6 pm, Budget Public Hearing, 101. W. Swanson Ave, Wasilla, Central Mat-Su Public Safety Building

May 2,  6 pm, Budget Public Hearing, Mat-Su College, Glenn Massay Theater, 8295 E. College Drive.

May 5, 6 pm, Budget Public Hearing, Willow Community Center, 23625 W. Willow Community Center Circle

May 9, 6 pm, Budget Deliberations, 350 E. Dahlia Ave, Palmer, Assembly Chambers

May 13, 6 pm, Budget Deliberations and possible adoption, Assembly Chambers, Palmer

For more information contact Patty Sullivan, Public Affairs Director, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Moosey Budget Hearing Dates