Matanuska-Susitna Borough

New Application Makes Driveway Permits Faster

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Friday, October 27, 2017

In the Matanuska-Susitna Borough some 5,700 driveway permits haven't yet made it to final inspection for various reasons. Most of the incomplete permits are because the applicant never notified the Borough that construction was completed. A new online application allows the Borough to leave the paper behind for online, faster processing. Listen to Michelle Olsen, permitting technician for the Borough, as she highlights the new driveway permit application before the Assembly and Planning Commission. The new process for driveway permits is one of the many new applications that Borough IT has been working on to make services more efficient and useful as part of an effort called Smart Communities.

Here is a link to driveway permits on the Borough website: You can find it under Services.




New Driveway Permit App with Michelle Olsen