Matanuska-Susitna Borough

MSB Declares Local Disaster Emergency

Mat-Su | Stefan Hinman | Monday, December 23, 2019

Today, the Mat-Su Borough Mayor and Manager declared a Local Disaster Emergency for flooding in Willow. A large ice dam has formed at the Deneki Bridge, pressing emergency responders to work long hours in the frigid temperatures. Over the past 2 days, Mat-Su Borough Dive Rescue, Animal Care and the Willow Fire Department  have escorted residents and pets out of the flood zone by Argo and raft. 

Included in this declaration, is a request of the Governor to throw his support behind the MSB with a declaration that a Disaster Emergency does exist. State assistance and resources would then follow.

In was only just a few short months ago on August 20 during two wildfires, McKinley and Deshka Landing, when the last Disaster Declaration was made. The Mckinley fire consumed 51 homes and 80 structures. Combined, the two fires burned about 5000 acres.

Borough Manager, John Moosey  has seen plenty of disasters here in the borough under his watch and takes the responders sacrifices seriously in these times. "I hope the residents appreciate the quick response given to this crisis by our dedicated DES men and women. This will be a real challenge now and in upcoming days for our families caught in the path of flooding. We will continue to seek how we can resolve the effects of this disaster."

