Matanuska-Susitna Borough

MSB Cybersecurity Incident Update Sept. 20

Mat-Su | Erin Leaders, PIO | Friday, September 21, 2018

IT Director Eric Wyatt reports many core Borough IT services have been restored and most essential services will be restored by the end of September. Many of these services will still require some additional configuration to be 100%. But enough of the services are being restored to a point where the Borough staff can effectively and efficiently serve the public. 

We have taken time and precaution to ensure that as these services are restored safely.  This kind of attack will continue to plague all organizations. In fact, more sophisticated attacks have been released since the beginning of this event, so security is a high priority for the Borough IT staff.

Essential services that are, or will be, restored by September 30th include: Phones, email, elections, credit card use at Solid Waste, Pools, and Ice Rink, Library Internet access, Borough web site, records requests, solid waste scale house, animal care, map services such as “find my school,” flood maps, wet lands viewer, and more. 

Our ecommerce system should be back on line by the end of the month or shortly thereafter, which means we can get back to registering for swimming lessons online.

Internally we have our primary financial system and our parcel/property system back online.  Our parcel viewer mapping system may still be on the temporary solution, but the full solution will be up soon.  The myProperty data system still has 3-month old data and will also be back to near real-time data within a few weeks. 
Below is the most current status and summary of impacted services.

Dept/Div Service Status Summary
Animal Care
Animal Care Code Enforcement
Enforcement is available to the public and our dispatcher's phones have been restored. Enforcement is hindered and limited with no access to previous cases. Please note that all cases and complaints created prior to the 2018 cyber security incident are not available to our staff. If you have a question as to the status of your case or complaint, please contact our dispatch at 761-7501.
Animal Care
Animal Shelter/          Adoption
Animal Care & Regulation has all services open to the public. Adoptions, licensing, return to owners, vet care, and shelter care are all available but continue to be slower with loss of software data. We are able to accept cash, check or credit card payments.
Capital Projects
Pre-Design & Engineering
Partial Service
Projects continue at a slow pace.  Limited data access is greatly hindering the review process.  Reference files remain unavailable causing significant negative impacts.
Capital Projects
Project Management
Partial Service
Projects continue at a slow pace.  Limited data access is greatly hindering the review process.  Reference files remain unavailable causing significant negative impacts.
Clerk Elections Available
For questions regarding the Borough's Election, please contact the Borough Clerks Office at 907-861-8683.
Clerk Other Services Partial Service
Assembly packets are available through Granicus.  We don't have video streaming up and going yet, and don't expect that until the Assembly's meeting in October.  We are able to prepare a Vacancy Report. 
Emergency Services
Emergency Medical Services
Available 100% Available
Emergency Services Fire Services Available 100% Available
Finance Accounting Partial Service
The financial system is back up.  We are in process of dealing with backlog of entry data so that we can produce up-to-date reports for the various users.
Property Tax / Assessments
Partial Service
Tax Data can be view in Govern and we are working to import payments processed into system. Limited access by users and lack of reports are slowing processes down.
Ambulance Billing 
Partial Service
Patients can now pay by credit card. Limited access to data is slowing processes down.
Collections / Licenses / Fees
Partial Service
Hand calculating late fees and interest. Limited access to data is slowing processes down. 
Health and Safety
Health and Safety
Human Resources Human Resources Partial Service
Unable to send or receive documents via fax.  Unable to access emails sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Limited access to data is slowing processes down.
Land Management
Land and Resource Sales
Partial Service
Online purchase of Gravel and Firewood permits are  unavailable, but over-the-counter permits are available. Cannot take credit cards. Mapping and land data are unavailable.
Law  Legal Services Partial Service Limited access opt data is slowing processes down.
Development Services/Permit Center
Partial Service
Opening, processing, and issuing some permits. Limited access to data is slowing the process down. Unable to do complete research requiring additional information from customers. Fax services are currently unavailable. 
Development Services/Code Compliance
Partial Service
Opening, processing, and issuing some permits. Limited access to data is slowing the process down. Unable to do complete research requiring additional information from customers. Fax services are currently unavailable. 
Planning Platting Partial Service
Accepting Cases and pre-applications. Limited access to data is slowing the process down. Unable to do complete research. Fax services are currently unavailable. 
Planning Planning Partial Service
Limited access to data is slowing the process down. Unable to do thorough research. Fax services are currently unavailable. 
Port Port MacKenzie Available  
Public Affairs
Public Relations 
Public Works
O&M / Road Maintenance 
Partial Service
Road upgrade projects are slowed by loss of data.  Systems to collect and transmit road condition complaints are not functional.
Public Works
Talkeetna Water Sewer Billing
Partial Service
Limited access to data is slowing processes down.  Borough is unable to accurately bill customers.  Lack of SCADA connectivity requires significant overtime and manual system monitoring.
Public Works
Central Landfill 
Daily Operations currently normal. Credit card system available at scale house.  Intermittent computer issues may require use of hand generated weight and charge tickets. Credit card will still generate computer printed ticket as well.  
Public Works
Environmental Operations/      Reuse Program
Hazmat Days/Reuse Program is available every Wednesday & Saturday from 10AM-3PM. Credit card machine down. Customers urged to bring cash or check.  Credit card usage requires processing in scale house.  Customers may experience long wait times.
Public Works
Recycling / Abandoned Junk Vehicles
Recycling program is operational and available at Valley Community for Recycling Solutions (VCRS), and the following transfer stations: Big Lake, Sutton, Talkeetna, and Willow (hours and accepted materials vary by location). Abandoned Vehicle program operational, but limited access to data is slowing processes down.
Public Works Transfer Sites  Available
Transfer sites operating as normal.  Intermittent computer issues may require use of hand generated charge tickets. Credit card will still generate computer printed ticket as well.  
Purchasing Purchasing Available  
Records Management
Public Records Requests
Partial Service Limited access to data is slowing processes down. 
Recreation Services
Mat-Su Library Network
All libraries now have Wi Fi and internet access. Major primary services are available. 
Recreation Services
Park Services/Land and Resource Management
Cannot take credit cards in Community Development for purchases. At this time the Community Development department can only accept cash or check for land and resource management purchases, pavilion rentals, trail passes, etc.
Recreation Services
Palmer Pool / Swim Lessons
Available Pool is open and can take credit cards, however E- commerce is still down

Updated 9/20/2018 by Erin Leaders, PIO
