Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Moving Dirt for Landfill Growth

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Valley is growing fast. Along with growth comes increased waste generation created in a number of forms including construction and demolition materials, household and hazardous wastes. We design and build large "cells" to put the household waste in to protect groundwater and reduce the amount of methane gas generated from decomposition.

Waste is compacted in the cell to maximize the use of "air space", the space available to put waste in. Cell size, waste compaction and humidity levels are a few things affecting the compaction rate, the method used to track the space left in the landfill and value of the space used.  The better you compact waste, the more you can fit in your landfill and the cheaper it is for the space.

The Matanuska Susitna Boroughs Central Landfill Cell 2A was filled to capacity several years ago. A soil and silt based cover was applied to allow for settling of the contents and to stabilize waste from escaping, which is a common practice. Cell 2A is now to the point that final closure must be complete.  Closure reduces the amount of water passing through the cell and the opportunity for ground water contamination and methane gas generation. Closure also provides a more uniform and aesthetically appearing cell.

Sometime during late summer, a contractor will begin grading Cell 2A.  The work includes removing large trees, stumps and other large debris. Filling, leveling and final grading will follow this work. Next summer a cap of soil and seeding will take place providing a lush, vegetated natural space.  

It is the Matanuska Susitna Borough’s Solid Waste Divisions foremost priority to reduce potential noise and dust created by this project.   Along with asking residents to bear with us during this project, we will take steps to reduce the potential for discomfort to our neighbors. The contractor is required to water the roads, the project area and well-traveled pathways to cut the dust irritants. Operating hours will be from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm daily. This year's project will take approximately three weeks to complete.

We apologize for any inconvenience. Please call the Central Landfill Manager at 907-861-7616 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss potential solutions.
