Matanuska-Susitna Borough

More than $60 million coming to MAT-SU in cap

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Thursday, June 28, 2007

PALMER—More than $60 million in infrastructure funding is coming to the Matanuska-Susitna Borough and MAT-SU School District if the state capital budget is adopted.

"A big thank you goes to our state Delegation," said Matanuska-Susitna Borough Mayor Curt Menard. "It's always a difficult process, and they did well. They succeeded at getting revenue sharing at $3.2 million as well as the $12 million for an environmental impact statement for the rail line from Willow to Port MacKenzie, along with many other projects."

Among the MAT-SU projects: $600,000 to help build a Sutton library, thousands in funding for substandard roads for our 16 road service areas, $18 million in federal dollars to start construction on Trunk Road, $752,926 for the Port road upgrade, and $1.2 million for a new ladder truck.

More critical funding for substantial road projects includes: $20 million for improvements on the Palmer-Wasilla Highway, $350,000 for a traffic signal on the George Parks Highway and Vine Road; $1.5 million for a traffic signal at Knik-Goosebay Road and Vine.

Assembly Member Cindy Bettine has constituents in the Knik-Goosebay area. "I think it's financially prudent that the elected state officials recognize the infrastructure needs in the fastest growing community in the state. Together the State and Borough have complemented one another's investment in traffic calming near a new school campus."

The MAT-SU School District is benefiting from $80,000 for flooring replacement at Snowshoe Elementary, $136,000 for field lights at Houston High, and appropriations to school libraries, among many other projects.

A list of other recipients in the MAT-SU area such as non-profits will receive more than $7 million for projects such as the $2 million for the Valley Community for Recycling Solutions.

The cities in the MAT-SU will take in more than $7 million for projects ranging from water mains to firefighting equipment as well as from municipal revenue sharing.

For more information contact MAT-SU Public Affairs Manager Patty Sullivan at 745-9577.
