Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Mayor's veto on sales tax overturned

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Monday, August 03, 2009

MAT-SU— Tonight (Tues.) the Borough Mayor's veto on the sales tax package was overridden. Six Assembly Members voted to instead put the measure before voters in the Oct. 6 Borough election.

Assembly Member Cindy Bettine co-sponsored the proposed sales tax ordinance.

Cindy Bettine audio clip.

“I, in many ways, do appreciate the extra week we've had here on debate. It has given people the opportunity to exam what we finally decided to put on the ballot, and because it was additional benefits to the property taxpayers—specifically to the residential property taxpayer—I have gained a lot of knowledge from individuals and why they are supporting it,” Bettine said.

The Assembly linked the sales tax to property tax reductions, by proposing to lower the areawide mill rate to 7.3 if a three percent Borough-wide sales tax is approved. The Borough has not had a similar areawide mill rate for 20 years. Under such plan, the homeowner of the average assessed home, ($209,000), would pay $711 less in property taxes.

A fund will also be created to direct all excess sales tax collections to mill rate reduction in the subsequent year.

Mark Ewing audio clip.

Assembly Member Mark Ewing voted against the motion to override. “It is my hopes and wishes that one of the members will see fit to swing their vote and support the Mayor and what I thought was a very good decision on his part,” Ewing said.

Co-sponsor of the ordinance, Assembly Member Pete Houston said that he has heard from residents who are weighing in three-to-one in favor of putting the sales tax before voters.

Rob Wells audio clip.

Assembly Member Rob Wells voted in favor of voters deciding. “The debate should happen. This body has been deliberative on this issue over the last few years. It was one of the more well-considered and vetted policy decisions we've made since I've been back on this body in the last three years,” Wells said.

The proposed sales tax ordinance can be found on the Clerk's web page under Legislation for ordinance serial nos. 09-055(SUB) and 09-056 or by clicking this link.

For more information call Public Affairs Director Patty Sullivan 745-9577 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Assembly Member Cindy Bettine

Assembly Member Mark Ewing

Assembly Member Rob Wells