Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Matanuska River at front door of five homes

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Wednesday, August 01, 2012

MAT-SU—The Matanuska River is closing in on five homes, two in Butte, three in Sutton. Two residents are getting help from locals to move their homes away from the river. So far, a third is applying for a portion of the move to be paid by federal emergency funding. Today and yesterday, Borough staff worked quickly troubleshooting the problem and connecting with the Natural Resources Conservation Service to make it happen.

July 31 2012 -  4MAT-SU— The Matanuska River is closing in on five homes, two in Butte, three in Sutton. Two residents are getting help from locals to move their homes away from the river. A third is applying for a portion of the move to be paid by federal emergency funding. Today and yesterday, Borough staff worked quickly troubleshooting the problem and connecting with the Natural Resources Conservation Service to make it happen.

In Butte at 1000 Old Glenn Highway, homeowner Josh Shaver said he lost two acres of his property to water since last Tuesday. Shaver bought his house in the winter and had a survey done to identify if it were in a flood plain. It was found to be safe from the 100-year flood mark, he said. This summer, however, the Matanuska River grabbed trees and soil and is now at the front door. An aerial image taken on June 26 shows how much land has slipped under water recently. (Shaver’s house is the light roof)

Tuesday, Borough staff in Land Management led by Director Eric Phillips worked to find a public parcel for Shaver to store his house on temporarily, but Shaver opted to move his home to a piece of his property near the Little Susitna River. Staff identified an area on the property out of the flood plain where he could place his house. “It’s been a great effort. The Borough staff has really taken it on as though it were their own home. They’ve been really helpful,” Shaver said Wednesday night.July 31 2012 -  5

Next door to Shaver is a green-roofed home that has been evacuated by the Mirsch/Wenner family. Last week Butte Fire gave the family 1,000 sandbags to buy time for the evacuation of their property. Palmer Fire and Central MAT-SU assisted in the effort.

In Sutton, Borough staff visited affected homes again today. Sutton resident and Borough employee George Rauscher is reportedly leading an effort to move George Blubaugh’s house away from the riverbank, where water is undercutting it.

At mile 65 on the Glenn Highway, Ed and Val Musial are opting to remain in their home for now and not seeking help to move it back. Next door, junkyard owner Sonny Johnston is reportedly getting help from friends and family to dismantle his home and move it back from the river.

As of 3 pm today, Aug. 1, river measurements were lower and slower than in much of July and June. The river level at the Old Glenn Highway is 7.68 feet. Flood stage would be 12 feet, according to the National Weather Service’s webpage.  And the speed is about 12,000 cubic feet per second, slower than the 20,000 cubic feet per second it was in June.

Zoomed 50Hydrologist Janet Curran with USGS Alaska Science Center in Anchorage says the Matanuska River did have a higher snowmelt than average, however right now where the river happens to come up against the bank has a lot to do with flooding and erosion. “The specific configuration of the channel next to the bank has more to do with the erosion and flooding at a particular location than the overall flow of the river,” Curran said.

In Sutton, Curran said the river is extending the braid plain into the terrace or riverbank where the homes are. In Butte, the river is returning to historically flooded areas.

See images: aerial photos of homes by Jim Stocker. Top left: the home was evacuated last week. Right top, the Shaver home with white roof. Bottom left: an aerial from June 26 showing how much more land was in front of both homes just a month ago.

For more information call Public Affairs Director Patty Sullivan 907.355-0103 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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