Matanuska-Susitna Borough

MAT-SU projects in state capital budget

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Monday, May 26, 2008

MAT-SU—The MAT-SU region received major funding for many projects in the state capital budget. Among the list of projects that were recently vetoed include:

$10,000 for Big Lake Elementary School boiler upgrades
$30,000 for new EMS equipment for Big Lake/Meadow Lakes EMS
$1 million for North Nancy Lake Peninsula Road rehabilitation
$600,000 for Sutton Library land acquisition

Project detail in state capital budget

A detailed list of projects and vetoes is posted here on the Borough web site.
The list is arranged by house districts. The number in parenthesis indicates the amount that funding was reduced for the project. The crossed out projects indicate vetoed projects.

For more information call Borough Manager John Duffy at 745-9689.
