Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Mat-Su preparing, just in case

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Wednesday, January 28, 2009

To date, Redoubt volcano has not erupted. Because of the volcano's active seismicity, however, the Matanuska-Susitna Borough is preparing for an event as a precaution.

Emergency vehicles are equipped with extra air filters. Employees, including emergency responders, have proper face masks. The incident management team members are notified and reviewing emergency procedures.

A new Borough web page is set up to provide local MAT-SU information and essential agency internet links. That address is
There, you can also sign up for the Alaska Volcano Observatory's Twitter and receive updates on the volcano's activity in your cell phone.

The Borough also has an incident information hotline at 761-3790. Emergency messages will be posted there during events.

Families should develop a disaster plan. Store up on emergency food and water and any daily medications. Buy air filters for your vehicles and masks for your family. Consider where your pets can be housed indoors or where livestock can be led to indoor shelter.

If Redoubt erupts many variables determine whether the MAT-SU will experience falling ash. The direction and speed of the winds and the altitude of the ash play a role in its path or trajectory. Monitor local radio & TV stations to stay informed as well as the Borough preparedness site and hotline.

Mat-Su Borough Emergency Manager Tom Smayda is continually monitoring the status of the volcano to ensure timely Borough response to an incident.
