Matanuska-Susitna Borough


Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Thursday, September 20, 2012

Willow Creek is one foot shy of crossing the Parks Highway at Hatcher Pass Road. Emergency Services crews made house-to-house contact with 18 households on Welch Way near Wasilla. North Welch Way is now impassable. Also near Wasilla, Moose Meadows Road is eroding quickly and is closed.

MAT-SU – NOON BRIEFING. Willow Creek is one foot shy of crossing the Parks Highway at Hatcher Pass Road. Emergency Services crews made house-to-house contact with 18 households on Welch Way near Wasilla. North Welch Way is now impassable. Also near Wasilla, Moose Meadows Road is eroding quickly and is closed. The Skwentna River is currently being evaluated for the possible evacuation of 10 people.

Four main Emergency Services crews are stationed at Talkeetna/Trapper Creek, Willow, West Lakes, and Wasilla. An Anchorage dive team crew is stationing at the Sunshine station.  

Red Cross reports the following shelter status. The Willow Community Center has 50 cots, 25 of which are still available; the Sunshine Center has 30 cots; the Menard Sports Center has 20 cots available.

Public Works has two and a half crews on the road; engineers are inspecting roads and bridges and staff are following with Road Closure signs.

With the Matanuska and the Knik Rivers running high, saturated land reports are coming in more and more toward the east. Keep mudslide potential in mind and prepare accordingly.
