Matanuska-Susitna Borough

MAT-SU earns top accounting 20 years straight

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Thursday, June 29, 2006

PALMER—For the 20th year in a row, the Matanuska-Susitna Borough has earned the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting.

MAT-SU Borough Finance Director Tammy Clayton, Comptroller Elizabeth Hartley, and the team in the Accounting Department were responsible for preparing the award-winning report.

Clayton has worked for the Borough for 15 years.

"Ms. Clayton has worked tirelessly over the years to maintain the highest level of financial management at the Borough," said Borough Manager John Duffy. "It is a distinct pleasure and honor to work with such a high caliber professional."

The Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting is a nationally recognized award. Since 1945 the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada has been honoring government entities with the award to encourage governments to prepare and publish an easily readable and understandable comprehensive annual financial report.

The Association is a nonprofit professional association serving about 16,000 government finance professionals, and is based in Chicago and DC.

An impartial panel of finance directors and accountants agreed that the MAT-SU Borough's annual report for fiscal year 2005 demonstrated a "spirit of full disclosure" that clearly communicated its financial story and motivated residents to read it.

The receipt of the Certificate of Achievement can positively affect the Borough's credit assessments.

The current bond rating for the MAT-SU Borough is: Standard & Poor A+, and Moody's Investor Services A1.

For more information, contact Borough Manager John Duffy at 745-9689.
