Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Manager Moosey updates Anchorage Chamber on R

Mat-Su | VickieLee Fenster | Wednesday, September 19, 2012

ANCHORAGE—Matanuska-Susitna Borough Manager John Moosey gave the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce a presentation on the Port MacKenzie Rail Extension today, highlighting the project as a job producer for Alaska.


ANCHORAGE—Matanuska-Susitna Borough Manager John Moosey gave the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce a presentation on the Port MacKenzie Rail Extension today, highlighting the project as a job producer for Alaska. Moosey showed a video on Port MacKenzie's recent heavy lift of $5.4 million in electrical cable for the Fire Island Wind project. He then gave a 30-minute presentation on the Port Mac Rail project. Over the past few seasons, more than 4.7 million cubic yards of soil has been moved at the port, transforming into rail embankment and what will be the longest industrial loop in Alaska. Moosey showed how young Port MacKenzie is gaining momentum with several barges this summer and growing infrastructure at the deep draft dock, including a new 220 ton crane.

To view a pdf of Moosey's presentation, click on the link on the right. The live presentation includes animation and video clips. To see the Heavy Lift video click here.

For more information email Public Affairs Director Patty Sullivan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



