Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Manager Duffy saying earnest goodbye

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Monday, April 26, 2010

Manager John Duffy announced tonight that he would be leaving the Matanuska-Susitna Borough after serving here for 24 years.

“It has been a particular honor to have served nearly 10 years as Borough Manager. Much has been accomplished over these years due to the professionalism and high productivity of our Borough employees, the leadership of Borough mayors and assemblymembers, and the willingness of everyone to work as a team,” Duffy wrote in his letter.

No one in the room knew beforehand. Duffy seemed upbeat and said it was time. Many large projects are coming on line, which are included in the 10 pages of Borough achievements that Duffy gave to Assembly Members and employees. After the meeting Borough Mayor Talis Colberg remarked upon Duffy’s departure:

“I was on the Assembly that hired Mr. Duffy as Matanuska-Susitna Borough manager in 2000. I had the pleasure of working with him for 7 of the 10 years he served as manager. He has always presented a positive and productive attitude toward his work. He has had a tough job. I have seen him repeatedly engage difficult problems with enthusiasm and energy. When I finished my second term I gave Mr. Duffy a painting. It is a depiction of Custer’s Last Stand. I gave it to Mr. Duffy with a note suggesting that no matter how difficult a situation might be, he, unlike Gen. Custer, would not corner himself but rather would find a way to move forward inoffensively. It was meant as a compliment because he has always had the ability to see opportunity regardless of how dire the situation. I respect Mr. Duffy and I wish him well.” —Talis Colberg

Duffy gave 60 days notice as required by his contract.

For more information call Borough Manager John Duffy at 745-9689.


