Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Incredible bridge work, flood cleanup

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Tuesday, October 02, 2012

A volunteer group will be in the community for a week or more to help residents with cleanup in private homes. Some 823 structures in the Mat-Su were damaged and 14 destroyed by floodwaters, according to an initial count. Also, an incredible construction pace continues to restore bridge access for vehicles for residents in an area north of Willow Fishhook Road, hopefully by Thursday.

Residents can call this number for help with wet basements and clean up: 373-8800. A volunteer group is in the Mat-Su region for a week or more. Please give details on what will be cleaned up and where. Residents with ground water in homes, please report the damage.

Willow Post-Flood Meeting Last Night

A Borough-State group of subject experts met in a community meeting in Willow last night. Questions were answered on subjects such as how to shock chlorinate your well, how to test drinking water, where to get the tests, how to apply for disaster assistance from the state, when are roads up, and more.

Bridge Access

A few residents expressed frustration last night that vehicle access has not yet been restored to the area of Kenny Boulevard, north of Willow Fishhook Road.

During the flood some 60 roads were disrupted and more than 40 closed. Borough public works and contractors worked long hours through rain and high winds to restore access to nearly all the roads in less than two weeks.

The only access to Kenny Boulevard was over the Shirley Towne Bridge, which was badly damaged by the flood disaster.

Logs and boulders banged into the bridge. Torrents of water scoured its foundation. Civil engineer for the Borough Scott Adams said he witnessed on Sept. 22 the bridge shaking. The Borough was faced with two options, saving the likely unsound bridge or focusing all efforts on finishing a new nearby bridge that was underway, the Deneki Meadows bridge. Adams said the contractor, Swalling Construction, put on two shifts of crews and worked through weekends. Within four days of Shirley Towne bridge becoming impassable, pedestrian traffic was connected on the new bridge. This Thursday, vehicle traffic is projected to be open on Deneki Meadows Bridge to Michelle Drive.

“When the disaster struck we had only three girders set, none of the concrete poured. It’s an amazing job to finish a bridge in two weeks that under normal circumstances would have taken eight weeks. Nothing like this has been done in the Borough,” Adams said. Kenny Boulevard will be repaired when heavy equipment with certified contractors can get across the new bridge.

Only three Borough roads of the 40 roads that were closed due to flooding remain impassable, including Kenny Blvd., Shirley Towne Drive along Willow Creek and Kalispell Drive outside Talkeetna. A new closure occurred today on the E. Susitna Landing near mile 83 of the Parks Highway.

Drinking Water Testing

Water testing kits are available from Lorrie Moffitt 354-4197 If you have any questions or concerns about whether you need to take a water sample or if you need water kits please call. The Borough is paying for the water test kits. We have drop off and collection sites. The sample has to be tested within 24 hours. Vital information is on the borough YouTube video channel at

State Disaster Assistance Centers

The deadline to apply is Nov. 20, 2012. Four centers are opening in our Borough.

• Butte Fire station Oct. 4-Oct. 5

• Upper Susitna Senior Center, Oct. 8-Oct. 9

• Willow Community Center, Oct. 9-Oct. 10

• Wasilla , at Cottonwood Fire Station, Oct. 11-Oct. 12

9 am to 7 pm for all locations.

Beginning Oct. 3 you can apply by phone at 1-855-445-7131. State staff recommends you apply in person as the information gathered can be more thorough. Disaster funds are for primary residences and other property. Bring description of damages, photos, home ownership documents, insurance information, and identification. Save receipts of repair work.

Flood Permit Needed on Repair Work

     Before working on flooded property, check in with the Borough for a permit. The permit is required for any state and federal relief. Questions can be directed to the MAT-SU Borough permit center at 745-9822.

Photos: top a gash in the approach to the Shirley Towne Bridge is only the visible damage. Middle photo: early look at Deneki Meadows Bridge. Bottom: A resident and her goats made it across the Deneki Meadows Bridge last week thanks to the pedestrian access. Transportation infrastructure: even goats need it.

For more information call Public Affairs Director Patty Sullivan at 355-0103 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
