Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Heindel Takes the Helm of Finance at Borough

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Monday, January 09, 2017

Cheyenne Heindel is the Matanuska-Susitna Borough's new Finance Director. Heindel has worked at the Borough for 22 years. 

Borough Manager John Moosey said Heindel's sense of teamwork and integrity made her the right choice for director.

Heindel said she is looking forward to making the budget approachable as Assembly Members have asked. “My family is grown. I’m at a good time in my life to take on the challenges and responsibility at the Borough,” Heindel said.

Under Heindel’s direction, Fitch Ratings visited the Borough for the first time last summer, got a tour, a presentation, and returned favorable bond ratings, an AA, despite the sour Alaska economy.

For the first time for the Borough, the Government Finance Officers Association awarded the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the 2014 budget.

Last July, Heindel was appointed as the Interim Finance Director of the Borough.  From November 2004 until July 2016, she was the Borough Budget & Revenue Division Manager and from August 1994 to October 2004, she served as the Borough Assistant Comptroller.  

Private Sector

Heindel worked as a certified public accountant in Alaska from 1986 through 1994 with Mikunda Cottrell and Associates and Zitzmann & Hanrahan, CPAs.  


Heindel has a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Boise State University.

For more information contact Finance Director Cheyenne Heindel at 861-8629.

Photo of Fitch Ratings tour with Heindel and Borough staff and Assembly Member Randall Kowalke.



Cheyenne Heindel, Finance Director, Mat-Su Borough