Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Groundbreaking for region's first resource re

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Monday, September 07, 2009

MAT-SU – Groundbreaking takes place Thurs., Sept. 10, for a $6.5 million Community Recycling Center that integrates economic development and college instruction into its mission of recovering “resources” from the landfill.

The event begins at noon on a hill next to the Animal Care Shelter off 49th State Street in the MAT-SU. Bring your umbrella.

Expected guest speakers are:
Mollie Boyer, Executive Director, Valley Community Recycling Solutions, VCRS
Janet Kincaid, VCRS Honorary Chair of capital campaign
Dennis Clark, Director Matanuska-Susitna College
John Duffy, MAT-SU Borough Manager
Alaska Senator Lyda Green

“The citizens of the Borough will have a state-of-the art, LEED certified, recycling facility in the very near future, which will extend the life of our landfill by diverting recyclables,” Borough Manager John Duffy said. “The facility also will create both construction jobs in the near term and long-term green jobs. The facility’s new location will make recycling safer and more convenient for our citizens,” Duffy said.

“Regional is a key word,” said Mollie Boyer, Director for VCRS. “This resource recovery center will be a model for the rest of the state. We’re working together to accumulate enough volumes for businesses to be able to create marketable commodities.”

Potentially up to 145 new spinoff jobs would be created in new services and manufacturing. The type of work would involve the manufacturing of road and roofing materials, glass specialty products, erosion and flood control materials, insulation, reconstructed lumber, cement emulsifier, pallet construction, landscaping, among others. New jobs would also be created for recycling pickup, and waste haulers.

The recycling center construction funding includes:
• $800,000 from the Alaska Legislature
• a $3 million grant from the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, EDA
• $2.5 million in a low interest loan to the Borough from the state Department of Environmental Conservation. Interest on the loan is at 1.5 percent. The loan would be paid back by landfill tipping fees over 20 years.
• The MAT-SU Health Foundation also contributed $50,000. EDA contributed $50,000 toward engineering & design also.
• Many individuals and businesses contributed as well.

The Borough will own the 23,600 square-foot building and the land. VCRS will manage and operate the center under a 20-year agreement. The center will be on 11 acres immediately west of the Animal Care building off 49th State Street near Palmer. The center will be part of a Regional Resource Recovery & Training Park.

The first goal of the center is to divert 25 percent of waste from the MAT-SU landfill into useable resources. In 2008, VCRS pulled 1,200 tons out of the landfill. Some 195 tons of garbage goes in the landfill each day.

The classroom includes a workstation for research and recycled product development for engineering students from MAT-SU College and UAA. Students can learn about recycling, renewable energy, and gain hands-on experience.

The center will be the first commercial-industrial building in Alaska that is designed to the U.S. Green Building Council LEED Gold level.

The project is expected to be completed by fall 2010.

For more information, Public Affairs Director Patty Sullivan 745-9577 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or
call Mollie Boyer at 745-6714 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
