Matanuska-Susitna Borough

FY20 Mat-Su Borough Budget Deliberations

Mat-Su | Stefan Hinman | Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Nine amendments to the Mat-Su Borough FY20 Budget were deliberated Tuesday night, with two receiving most of the attention.  One ammendment decreaseed Animal Care and Regulation Division's budget by $1,574,385 and brought out many residents speaking in opposition. Assembly Member George McKee argued against the amendment and voted with six of his fellow assembly members to oppose the deep cuts to a service he believes is valuable to some residents who may not have a lot of cash. However, the biggest discussion on the night belonged to Assembly Member Sumner's amendment that would strike the Capital Projects Budget in its entirety and insert it into the Public Works Department budget. Sumner made his case on what he thought were inefficiencies and overspending on some of the School Bond projects built under the Capital Projects Division.  The ammendment was voted down in a 5-2 vote.

Assembly Member, Tam Boeve had some success on the night with her amendment, giving a boost of $75,000 to the Valley Community For Recycling Solutions (VCRS) and bringing the total amount to $150,000. 

The remaining amendments will be up for deliberation and a possible adoption during Wednesday nights Special Meeting. It's being held at 6 PM in the Assembly Chambers,  350 East Dahlia Avenue.



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