Matanuska-Susitna Borough

FY20 Budget Public Hearings in Willow

Mat-Su | Stefan Hinman | Friday, May 03, 2019

Willow was the final site for another FY20 Matanuska-Susitna Borough Budget Public Hearing held before the Mayor and Assembly. In addition to the FY20 Budget, a resolution and two ordinances specific to the local district were voted on and approved. Mat-Su Borough Land Management Director, Eric Phillips presented background information on the Willow Log Cabin and the costs and challenges associated with its restoration. The cabin has historical significance to the region and had many supporters from the community show up to be heard. In May 2016, the assembly placed $200,000 in a project account toward the project. Last nights unnanimously approved $65,500, added from the Mat-Su Borough Land Managment 2019 operating budget, gives the project a total of $265,500 for completion. In October 2017, The cabin was added to the National Register of Historical Places.

Download the Willow Cabin presentation as well as the meeting's full audio on this page:

For streamed video of the meeting,  go to the borough Facebook page.



FY20 Budget Hearing (part 1)

FY 20 Budget Hearing (part 2)


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