Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Flooding Can Damage Wastewater Systems

Mat-Su | Ak Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) | Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is issuing the following advisory for Mat-Su area property owners near flooding streams and rivers.

Flooded onsite sewer systems may be damaged and will not function properly. If sewage has leaked onto the ground, DEC recommends disinfecting the area with lime. A light powdering of finely ground garden lime will work, or a 5% solution of water and chlorine bleach. Sewage can contain active and harmful bacteria, cysts and viruses.

If possible, do not sue your onsite sewer system until after the flood waters and groundwater levels have receded enough to prevent wastewater from surfacing or backing up into your home.

For more information on how to monitor your sewer system to detect damage, call the DEC Wasilla Office at 907-376-1852.
