Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Fire season underway, make home defensible

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Friday, May 06, 2011

This week, May 3-9, is Wildland Fire Prevention and Preparedness Week. Fire season is already underway.

millers reach 1996smallLearn how to make your property more defensible to fire. Help is available through the Matanuska-Susitna Borough's Wildfire Mitigation/Firewise program.

"More than 300 homes were saved during the 2007 Caribou Hills fire in Kenai due to the Firewise steps that were taken," said Michieal Abe, Technician with the Borough’s Wildland Fire Mitigation program. "People must prepare before the next big wildfire. We can help! Make an appointment and learn what you can do to protect your life's investment.”

The great quantity of homes that were saved in the Caribou Hills fire dramatically underscores the value of clearing defensible space, said Johnny Murdock, Borough Fire Training Coordinator.

“Most, but not all, of the structures with defensible space survived.  Most, but not all, of the structures with no defensible space failed to survive.  For most structures that survived, it was the combination of defensible space plus firefighting efforts that led to success.  The lack of either usually meant a lost structure,” Murdock said.

Call 373-8823 for an appointment. Visits may identify highly flammable spruce trees that are eligible for removal, paid for by a federal grant.

More information is at Click on Firewise on the left menu bar.

For more information call Michael Abe, Wildland Fire Mitigation Technician, at 373-8823.


