Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Fire crews fighting to save Su Valley High

Su Valley High 8 pm Tuesday Night | Patty Sullivan | Thursday, June 28, 2007

SU VALLEY HIGH (8 pm Tuesday night)--Flames were shooting through the roof of Su Valley High School near Talkeetna, and firefighters were trying to save it Tuesday night.

Emergency Services Director Dennis Brodigan described the middle of the school as fully engulfed with fire. Fire crews were trying to save the wings of the building. The east wing is in trouble as winds are driving the fire in that direction, Brodigan said.

A helicopter was about to dump buckets of water on the building. Earlier flames had moved into the woods but were put out.

The call for support broadened to include Butte and Palmer fire crews. Talkeetna, Houston, Meadow Lakes, Willow, and Central were already on scene along with the state Division of Forestry.

"We'll be fighting it for awhile," Brodigan said.

A $5.5 million roof reconstruction and structural upgrade project was underway for the building. Su Valley High is valued at $13.23 million and its contents, $691,000, according to Finance Director Tammy Clayton.

For more information call Patty Sullivan, Public Affairs Manager, (907) 745-9577.
