Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Roads, schools thumbs up in election

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Tuesday, October 04, 2011

clerkselectionnight MAT-SU— MAT-SU voters strongly supported bonds for roads and schools tonight, and the reapportionment of Assembly district lines. Darcie Salmon is a new Assembly Member. Steve Colligan is the leader in the race for Assembly District 4. Erick Cordero and Ole Larson remain as School Boardmembers. Election results are unofficial until certified on Oct. 18.

13 percent of voters turned out at the polls tonight.

See the results on the Borough's Election Results page.

In the race for the Wasilla Assembly District 4 seat, candidate Steve Colligan garnered 641 votes to former Planning Commissioner Pat Johnson's 527 votes on election night. The number of outstanding votes that could affect this race is not yet known. It  includes 145 possible questioned ballots issued, 175 uncounted absentee ballots, and 39 absentee ballots mailed out but not yet received. The Canvass Board starts canvassing absentee and questioned ballots tomorrow. The District 4 seat is vacated by Assembly Member Mark Ewing who did not run for re-election.

The fastest growing area of the MAT-SU gains former Borough Mayor Darcie Salmon as its Assembly Member. Salmon ran unopposed, earning 840 votes at the polls. Assembly Member Cindy Bettine held the seat for two terms.

In School Board seat E, incumbent Erick Cordero had 3,898 votes to challenger Lynette Warhus' 2,624 votes.

In School Board seat D, Ole Larson ran unopposed, and drew 5,751 votes.votehere

All the Borough's propositions passed.

Proposition 1 approves the redrawn lines for Assembly districts, which is required after every U.S. Census to adjust for population shifts. Voters said yes: 5,327 to 2,126 at the polls. 

Proposition 2 approves $32 million in bonds for road projects. The bonds will not be issued unless matching funds are received from the State. Projects are in every district, among them: Seldon & Lucille intersection safety improvements, Vine Road upgrade and pathway, Dogwood Avenue in Palmer, Caswell Lakes Road, and more. Voters said yes 4,594, no 3,131.

To view 2011 road bond projects click here.

Proposition 3 approves $214 million in school bonds, with the State expected to pick up 70 percent of the cost. Called a five-year educational and capital improvement bond, it offers sweeping upgrades and improvements district-wide. Among the projects: a new middle/high school in the fastest growing MAT-SU region of Knik Goose Bay Road; another addition of the successful Career & Technical High School; athletic field improvements at several schools including the high schools; flooring replacement at several elementary schools, among others. Voters said yes 4164, no 3,624 at the polls on Prop. 3.

To view 2011 School bond projects click here.

59,188 voters are registered in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough with 7,778 turning out at the polls. 1,280 absentee ballots were issued and in order to be counted must be received by Friday. Some 416 questioned ballots were issued and 14 special needs ballots issued.

Photo: MAT-SU Borough Clerk Lonnie McKechnie right, shares a laugh on election night with clerk secretary Sharon Huckins, left. Clerks began working at 6:15 am on election day. Photo Patty Sullivan/MSB.

For more information call Borough Clerk Lonnie McKechnie at 746-7445 or Public Affairs Director Patty Sullivan at 745-9577 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
