Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Election Date Change Initiative Certified

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Friday, August 03, 2018

An election date change initiative, brought forward by citizens, will be appearing on the ballot in the Oct. 2 Matanuska-Susitna Borough election.

Yesterday, Aug. 1, Borough Clerk Lonnie McKechnie certified the ballot initiative after seven days of reviewing the eligibility of the signatures. The certified initiative petition meets the deadline to appear as a proposition on the October ballot, she said.

Four of the Borough Clerk’s staff have been working out of the chambers of the City of Palmer during the initiative review, due to a cyber attack that forced the Borough’s computer infrastructure offline. McKechnie and Deputy Clerk Jess Kilborn have been working on virus-free laptops at the city. “Palmer has graciously let us use their facilities,” McKechnie said. 

The ballot language will read with this intent: Shall the Borough election move from the 1st Tuesday in October to the 1st Tuesday in November, following the 1st Monday?

The Clerks are still working on the ballot layout and the election brochure. 

For more information, contact the clerks office at (907) 861-8445 or Public Affairs Director Patty Sullivan at (907) 861-8577.
