Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Earthquake Recovery Efforts Underway

Mat-Su | Stephanie Bishop | Thursday, December 06, 2018



The Matanuska-Susitna Borough has transitioned from disaster response into the recovery phase for structural damage caused by the 7.0 earthquake on Nov. 30.

The Mat-Su Borough Emergency Management Team will be working with the support of all the Mat-Su Borough departments.

Teams are assisting with damage assessments on homes. Initial repair work for the two most severely damaged roads began this week on Point MacKenzie Road and Vine Road. Damage assessment of borough buildings, including schools and offices, began on Friday.

Since the earthquake occurred, the Borough has posted a link for residents and business owners to report damage. Of 113 entries, 21 are for damaged homes reported by the owners. 50 reports include structural damage to public buildings such as schools and Borough facilities. The remaining reports involve both Borough and State roads.

Team Rubicon

Team Rubicon, an international nonprofit founded by veterans, is partnering with the Mat-Su Borough in its damage assessment response. Team Rubicon’s members are trained in damage assessment and disaster response assistance. Yesterday, Team Rubicon responded to four residences with elderly owners to help with debris cleanup. More home visits are scheduled for today and are expected to continue through Sunday. The American Red Cross is assisting with supplies for residential cleanup.

Damage Assistance

If a resident or business owner in the Borough needs assistance with earthquake damage assessment, call (907) 861-8389 from 8am-6pm.

Report Damage

To report earthquake damage to your home or business, click the link to the Orion Damage Assessment software at under the REPORT EARTHQUAKE DAMAGE tab until December 10, 2018.

To file for State Individual Assistance, visit or call 1-855-455-7131. The deadline for this program is January 29, 2019. For more information and all media requests call (907) 861-8056 or (907) 795-3006.
