The regular election on Oct. 1 in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough is just two weeks away. Two Assembly seats and three School Board Member seats will be decided by voters. Two propositions are on the ballot. Proposition B-1 is a 5 percent tax on alcoholic beverage sales boroughwide. Proposition B-2 is a 50 percent state match for Borough road bonds for projects that access some schools. Here is a link to the exact language of the propositions and a list of the candidates.
If you want to vote absentee by-mail, keep these dates in mind.
Absentee in-person voting began yesterday, Sept. 16, and runs until Oct. 1. at the Borough building. Check the locations and time for absentee voting schedules online at
Here is a link to a map showing the school access road bond projects.
For any questions on the election, please call the Borough Clerks Office at 746-7445 or email Public Affairs Director This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..