Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Assembly Selects Mike Brown as New Manager

Mat-Su | Stefan Hinman | Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Mat-Su Borough Assembly selected a new Borough Manager today during an Assembly Special Meeting. The two remaining candidates, Randy Robertson and Mike Brown, were interviewed in person for about an hour each. Afterwards, the Assembly moved into executive session for a two-hour discussion on the candidates. Once the session was exited, the decision was put to a vote. Mike Brown would be offered the job as the Mat-Su Borough Manager. Both candidates were well liked and it ended up being a close 4-3 Vote, with Jesse Sumner, Ted Leonard and George McKee opposed. Mayor Vern Halter was satisfied with the decision but made it clear that it was not an easy choice. “Both of these candidates, Mr. Brown and Mr. Robertson, were at the top their field by everyones calculation, that’s how close it was… We are at a time in the Mat-Su Borough’s life where a solid Borough Manager is needed.”

Assembly member, Dan Mayfield was also confident with the selection. “I believe we have chosen the right man to chart a new course for the Borough into the future.”

Following John Moosey’s departure on June 14, 2020, George Hays, was made Interim Borough Manager. This meant keeping the Mat-Su Borough moving forward operationally through the pandemic until a new manager could be hired. For George, there was only one way this could be accomplished; putting in long hours through many evenings and weekends, a fact that did not escape Mayor Halter. “I want to thank George Hays. He has done an excellent job of managing the Borough over the last many months…. Some of your decisions you made, I was so proud…”

Before anything is made official, Mike Brown’s contract must be negotiated with Borough Attorney, Nicholas Spiropoulos and HR Director, Sonya Conant. Parameters have already been established. Once everything is agreed upon, the contract will be placed in front of the Mayor for his signature. 

See the video here



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