Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Assembly outlines state priorities

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Monday, December 10, 2012

 Assembly Members for the Matanuska-Susitna Borough met with local Legislators recently to discuss state funding priorities for the Borough. The Port MacKenzie Rail Extension, the Port, Fisheries, reserve funding support for the Knik Arm Crossing and Bogard Road Extension are at the top of the list. Borough Manager John Moosey touched on the highlights of each project.

The Assembly and Mayor Larry DeVilbiss thanked the MAT-SU State delegation for helping to fund road bond projects, the railroad extension and for supporting the placement of Bogard Road, Fairview Loop, and Rail in the recent voter-approved general obligation bond. Among the legislators present last Thursday were: Rep. Bill Stoltze, Rep. Mark Neuman, and Rep. Wes Keller.

New to the MAT-SU delegation is Sen. Fred Dyson for Senate District F. Also present was Senator-Elect Mike Dunleavy, and staff for Representative-Elect Lynn Gattis, staff for Rep. Shelley Hughes and staff for Sen. Charlie Huggins, now the President of the Senate. Sen. John Coghill, of North Pole, no longer represents the MAT-SU after new district lines were drawn. Senator-Elect Click Bishop, and Rep. Eric Feige were not present.

 Other Borough funding requests include:

• $1.25 million for the development of a snowmachine and ATV trailhead that accesses the west side of the Hatcher Pass Management Area off Sitze Road.

• $2.5 million for site acquisition and development of the MAT-SU South Gateway Visitor Center

• $2 million for a new fire station in the northern part of the MAT-SU, Caswell Lakes.

• $5 million for management of rivers in the MAT-SU both structural and nonstructural solutions to mitigate erosion, flooding, and damage.

Click here to view a booklet of the state priorities for fiscal year 2014.

For more information, call Public Affairs Director Patty Sullivan, 907.745-9577 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Photos by Patty Sullivan/MSB: Top Assembly Member Darcie Salmon, Mayor Larry DeVilbiss and Borough Manager John Moosey, far right. Middle: Assembly Member Steve Colligan describes the specifics of cathodic protection for the port. Next to him, Assembly Member Warren Keogh reads the 17-page booklet. Bottom: Rep. Mark Neuman, Rep. Bill Stoltze, Rep. Wes Keller, and Sen. Fred Dyson with Assembly Member Vern Halter at left.
