Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Assembly Approves 6 percent hike to education

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Monday, May 09, 2016

In its first night of deliberations on next year’s Borough budget, the Matanuska-Susitna Borough Assembly approved a 6 percent increase, or $3,160,828 extra in education funding as requested by the Mat-Su School District. The total local contribution to schools is so far $55.8 million.

In the past three years the Assembly has approved a 3 percent increase to the school budget. The vote was 6 to 1 with Assembly Member George McKee voting no. The second largest district in the state accepted 708 new students this year and expects 353 new students next year, according to Luke Fulp, Chief Financial Officer for the District. High insurance costs also increase the budget, he said.

Assembly Member Dan Mayfield found the money for the increase in the school site selection fund. “I appreciate the Assembly for supporting education and also … the Point MacKenzie park, those folks will get great enjoyment out of that. I’m sure our kids will be better served by both of those moves tonight,” said Assembly Member Dan Mayfield.

The Assembly held a packet with 12 budget amendments but did not address all of them tonight. Borough Manager John Moosey introduced a proposed budget with the mill rate the same as last year.

Listen to the audio of Assembly Member remarks posted here.

The next budget deliberation is Thursday, May 12, at 6 pm in the Assembly chambers in Palmer, 350 E. Dahlia Ave.

Amendments passed

 A 6 percent increase to schools by using money in the school site acquisition fund.

Allowing the School District to retain all of its unassigned fund balance from last year’s budget. Assembly Member McKee voted no.

A technical amendment sponsored by Assembly Member Randall Kowalke to reduce the fire service area mill rates for Caswell, Talkeetna, and Willow.

A technical amendment by Assembly Member Jim Sykes to reduce the Butte Fire Service Area mill rate.

An amendment sponsored by Assembly Member Dan Mayfield to add a park at Point MacKenzie for $40,000 by reducing some trail grooming and recreation funds.

Amendments postponed until Thursday night at 6 pm.

An amendment sponsored by Assembly Member George McKee to reduce the Central Mat-Su Fire Service Budget by $2 million.

An amendment by Assembly Member George McKee to add one full time deputy animal care officer for $91,747 by reducing the same amount from an economic development fund.

An amendment by Assembly Member Dan Mayfield to reduce city block grants and redirect some of the money and MV/Susitna ferry funds toward an anti-drug officer for Wasilla.

Amendments to the Assembly and Mayor wages.

Failed amendments

To reduce the Education fund by $1.2 million. 1-6 vote. Sponsor McKee voted yes, 6 Assembly Members voted no.

Photo: CFO Luke Fulp answers Assembly questions with Borough Finance Director Tammy Clayton, left.

For more information contact Patty Sullivan, Public Affairs Director at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or 861-8577




Assembly Remarks