Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Assembly approves 2014 budget

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Thursday, May 23, 2013

MAT-SU— Last night the Assembly for the Matanuska-Susitna Borough adopted a budget, described by Mayor Larry DeVilbiss, as the most scrutinized Borough budget in his career of public service. Forty-two amendments were debated, several large projects funded, and cuts were made in some departmental spending.

In the end, the areawide mill rate agreed upon by the Assembly is just below last year’s mill rate, before you add the voter-approved taxes in 2011 from $214 million in school bonds and $32 million in road bonds. The new areawide mill rate for FY 2014 is 9.852.  The non-areawide mill rate is 0.52. The mill rate is the amount of tax, payable per dollar of the assessed value of a property.

The deadline for vetoes by Mayor DeVilbiss is before the June 4 Assembly meeting at 6 pm.

Among the highlights, the School District will receive its requested three percent increase in funding or $1.49 million in additional dollars, making the local contribution from taxes $51.2 million. Deputy Mayor Ron Arvin gained support from the Assembly to increase the tobacco tax by $1 a pack (now $2.20/pack) to help with additional funds for education and health & safety initiatives. The projected tobacco tax funds would increase to $3 million per year.

A new Talkeetna Library project will receive $905,000 toward construction of a projected $3.8 million project. That amendment by Assembly Member Jim Colver also added $500,000 for the Hatcher Pass Transit Center, $100,000 for the Point Mac town site development, and $100,000 for Hatcher Pass lands subdivision, and more.

The Assembly adopted Assembly Member Warren Keogh’s amendment for $100,000 for land acquisition for a septage treatment site.

Among several cuts and revenue neutral changes to Borough operating funds, the last cut was reducing $100,000 from the areawide fund at Manager John Moosey’s discretion.

An amendment by Assembly Member Steve Colligan passed for $75,000 for flood plain mapping. The Borough endured a federal flood disaster in Sept. 2012. Another also by Colligan passed for $125,000 for a regional transportation organization.

An amendment by Keogh to reduce the Greater Palmer Consolidated Fire Service Area mill rate from .93 to .90 passed.

Assembly Member Vern Halter’s earlier amendment passed to appropriate $75,000 in state revenue sharing funds toward debt for the Talkeetna sewer and water system.

The only permanent positions added include: 2 ¾ employees: In IT the cost to the Borough from temporary wages decreased by adding a ¾ time permanent secretary. 

Earlier adopted amendments by Halter included a new mechanic for West Lakes Fire Service Area and a full-time fire chief for the growing Caswell & Willow fire service areas. Both of those positions will be funded, long-term, out of the local fire service area taxes.

The budget will be posted online when it’s finalized.

For more information call Public Affairs Director Patty Sullivan at 745-9577 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
