Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Assembly adopts race track ordinance Borough-

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Monday, December 18, 2006

PALMER— New race tracks will require a conditional use permit before operating in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, according to an ordinance that was adopted last night by the Assembly .

Previously this ordinance applied only to the "Core Area" of the Borough. Now it applies Borough-wide.

Existing race track owners can apply for a permit to keep their "grandfather rights" within 90 days. If they miss the Feb. 20, 2007 deadline they will have to apply for the (CUP) permit. If an existing race track wants to expand, owners would also require a permit.

"A conditional use permit does not prohibit the use," said Borough Planning Chief Sev Jones. The permit allows for public comment. It allows for the Planning Commission to attach conditions to mitigate impacts, Jones said.

The required noise limits were among the concerns expressed by many race track enthusiasts last night. Some racetrack proponents took issue with the 70 decibel limit, saying they had recorded 70 decibels on a meter last night from the crowd's chatter. The 70 decibel limit, however, is set at the property line not at the car engine. Among the limits: when the site is within 2,000 feet of a residential district or neighborhood with one or more lots, the sound at the race track property line cannot exceed 70 decibels.

"An acoustical engineer was hired during the creation of the original ordinance," said Borough Manager John Duffy. "The sound engineer assisted us in developing a reasonable sound standard. Our research also compared our standard with ordinances in other communities. With this expansion, we met with neighborhood groups and race track owners to identify the concerns beforehand," Duffy said.

The Assembly will consider the amendments for the race track ordinance on Dec. 19, in another public hearing.

Among the proposed amendments: exempting one-time annual events such as The Iron Dog snowmobile race, exempting snow machine races that are not at a permanent facility, and lengthening the months of operation.

For more information, contact Borough Planner Susan Lee at (907) 745-9862.
